Thursday 28 August 2008

Defining Early Morbidity Of Radical Cystectomy For Patients With Bladder Cancer Using Standardized Reporting Methodology

� - This clause, recently published in the online military issue of European Urology, highly-developed standard reportage methodology to define the type, relative incidence, and rigorousness of early postoperative morbidities following free radical cystectomy.

Between 1995 and 2005, 1142 consecutive chemical group cystectomy patients were entered into a prospective tortuousness database and retrospectively reviewed for accuracy. All patients underwent RC/urinary diversion by high-volume fellowship-trained urologic oncologists. Complications were measured within the first 90 days of surgery Complications were defined and stratified into 11 specific categories. Using these categories, 64% of patients experienced a complication. Among patients experiencing a complication, 67% experienced a complication during the operative hospital admission and 58% following discharge. Eighty-seven pct of complications were level 1 or 2 and did non require surgical intervention. Gastrointestinal complications were most vulgar (29%), followed by infectious complications (25%) and wound-related complications (15%). The 30-day mortality rate was 1.5%.

These authors hold helped delineate a reproducible complication marking system that will admit comparison across institutions. Surgical morbidity following radical cystectomy is significant and, when strict reportage guidelines ar incorporated, higher than antecedently published. Accurate reporting of postoperative complications after RC is essential for counsel patients, combined modality discourse planning, clinical trial innovation, and assessment of operative success.

Shabsigh A, Kurtas R, Vora KC, Brook CM, Cronin AM, Savage C, Raj G, Bochner BH, Dalbagni G, Herr HW, Donat SM

Eur Urol. 2008 Jul 18. Epub ahead of print.

Reported by Contributing Editor David P. Wood, MD

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